Annual Conventions of Origami Deutschland e. V.

Origami Deutschland organizes an international convention once a year. A variety of workshops, an origami exhibition where participants can show their latest models, an open house for local visitors on Sunday morning, paper and book shops and lots of time for folding are all part of the agenda. Each year, we are happy to invite a special guest from Germany as well as two international special guests who will host unique workshops and exhibit their latest creations. Every year 200 - 240 origami enthusiasts join us for the convention. Non-members of Origami Deutschland are also welcome to participate.

On this page you will find additional information on our next annual convention (place, date, invitation, special guests, registration forms, deadline for contributions to the annual model collection and so on) as well as reviews of past conventions.

34th International Origami Convention in Bonn from 3rd to 5th May 2024

Thanks to all 210 participants from Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Taiwan - it was great that you were there.

Many thanks to our special guests, workshop teachers, the team of the GSI Bonn and the many hard-working helpers who contributed to the success of the convention.

We look forward to seeing you again at the 35th International Origami Meeting in Erkner near Berlin, May 29 - June 1, 2025!

Group Photo

Bild des Monats
Photo: Walter Schindler

Special Guests

Ehrengäste 2024 Photos: Barbara Janssen-Frank, Oriol Esteve, Winston Lee
Design: blau DRUCK, Gera

The Winners of the Origami Competition At the sea, under the sea and more to see

1st Place: Johannes Jammers

Platz 1
Photo: A.Vagt

2nd Place: Ursula Degen, Uta Jansen, Lucia Blender, Dr. Hajime Matsubayashi, Johannes Jammers, Ralf Altmeyer

Platz 2
Photo: R. Altmeyer

3rd Place: Nicola Walbrecht

Platz 3
Photo: A. Vagt

More photos of the 34th Origami Convention on the page Gallery/OD Conventions/2024 Bonn.