Society Magazine der Falter

All society members receive up to three issues of the magazine der Falter per year.

der Falter is published by members for members. It keeps you informed about news on Origami Deutschland e.V. and the origami world. Each issue usually has 50 - 70 pages (DIN A5). The magazine includes information about upcoming origami conventions and regional meetings as well as folding instructions. You can find articles about origami events, exhibitions, local origami groups, folding techniques and much more.

Any reports about conventions or local meetings, photos, folding instructions, etc., are greatly appreciated. We are happy to publish diagrams from members and non-members alike.
Please submit your content by email to .

Instructions for Authors:
texts please in DOCX, ODT, PDF or TXT format,
photos with a resolution of at least 250 dpi.

Most of the issues of der Falter and the booklets are still available and can be purchased by members. For ordering information see Library & Archive.